I heard this whilst sitting in the audience listening to a speaker, it struck home with me. He said:
"Don't underestimate the masterpiece just because the materials are so common."
Our material is 7,235,350,321 common, as of this second according to a population counter on the internet. No wonder the self esteem of many of those individuals is so low and that their minds are set on thinking they aren't anything special. They couldn't be more wrong.
You are so intricate, the substances of which you are made could be similar but never the same as any another human. The thoughts that run through your mind, the ideas you create and mould into actions, the joyous laughs that escape your mouth; these things are unique to you.
You are so Underestimated. Your potential is miles high and your aspirations and dreams should mimic this. You should know you are capable of so much more than you could ever fathom. You may get a little lost along the way but it is the journey, your journey that matters. The up's and downs are worth it and you have the strength buried within you to break any barrier.
You don't need to be art in a museum to be a Masterpiece; or be perfect at doing makeup, or have the best body, wardrobe, hair, car, house, style, mind. You need to be you, otherwise you are cheating the world of a Masterpiece that is already perfect by being itself. Why strive to fit into a box created by the opinion of another individual who is just as clueless about life as you?
We 7,235,350,321 need to encourage one another to be ourselves and love and delight in who we truly are, otherwise we will become clones of the perceived perfect. You are fantastic, capable, brilliant, creative, innovative, daring, complete by being exactly you.
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