Why does this term exist? Why do we ignore the people we pass on the street? Why is it awkward to make eye contact with another human just because you've never seen them before? Are they not like you? Why is one superior to the other making one afraid or perhaps both. Our pre-perceived judgements of others, be them negative or not, create a withdrawn society. Our broken hearts and trust issues make it hard for us to communicate and interact with new people. Walking down the street becomes a game of who can look away the fastest.
I'm an extrovert, I work in retail, I have no problem conversing with or meeting new people; in my work environment. Why are some situations more okay to break the "stranger" line than others? Could I walk up to someone new on the street and become instant friends or at least acquaintances? Yeah perhaps I could, but would I? Why should I? I have friends of my own, why should I make the effort? They look very serious, they wouldn't like me anyway. I bet they are judging me.
Maybe they need that companionship, they could be going through something massive and the attention of one individual taking the time to say hi could slightly ease that heavy burden. A girl crying on the street corner, who stops to help her? Another soul, just like yourself, in need, but because society says it is socially unacceptable, we leave her be?
Sometimes it's those closest to us that feel most like strangers. Until we open up and confess the things we hide away we will never break that stranger line no matter how "close" we are to someone. We are a shut off generation who would rather send a friend request than ask "Are you okay?" to a passer by with tear stained cheeks.
I'm not saying trust everyone, don't be naïve. There is a time and place for "stranger danger." But I feel we have taken that saying too far and made it a blanket rule for anyone we don't know.
Challenge: Look up while walking down the street, smile and make intentional eye contact. Say hi to someone new. Be present, exist.
You can't expect great things to happen if you're always looking away.
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